Wednesday 8 June 2016

P2 (c) solution of any identified hazard/risk in line with health and safety

P2 (c) Solution 
The purpose of a risk assessment is to identify any hazards that may occur whilst filming. By identifying the risks and hazards, it is much easier to prevent them from happening, as you can work out the necessary methods to reduce and stops risks and hazards.

I have chosen a high traffic area for a scene where one of the characters is running the track. Two possible risks are that he might collide with someone else, or that he might feel tired and weak after completing the scene. These are both very low risk issues, but I took measures to make sure they didn’t happen nonetheless. 
To minimize these health and safety risks, I chose someone who is a runner and is therefore comfortable with running. I also chose a time of day where people would be around, so the footage looks realistic, but I also chose a time when not that many people would be around. This way I can gather everyone there and inform them we will be filming. Not only does this safe our shots from being interrupted, but it makes sure there will be no accidents. 
Also, using borrowed equipment from the school always carries some risk to it. The benefit of this is having access to very expensive equipment without having to pay for it while we are students. The downside is that if it breaks, we do have to pay for it and we don’t even own the product in the end, just replace the one that can be borrowed by other students. For this reason, it is especially important to take care of the equipment we borrowed. This was difficult for us as many of our scenes were filmed outside. We did the following to make sure the equipment was not ruined: 

  • Had the cameraman be alert and safe with everything they did. They checked that everything was secure when they put the camera on the tripod, and especially when they moved it around. 
  • Made sure there was no rain in the forecast for the days we shot outside. Even if it wasn’t raining at the time, unexpected rain could result in the equipment being destroyed. We had umbrellas on site as a last resort, but we made sure there was no rain to be expected at all on the days we were outside.
  • We shot on concrete, even with scenes that show grass. That way, the tripod didn’t get muddy or dirty in any way. 
  • Before we left a location, we made sure all of the equipment was packed up and stored properly, with every borrowed piece intact. This ensures that nothing was broken while the equipment was in our possession. 
How used the equipment creatively 

 I found that the equipment that I used was very important in achieving the overall style and effect we wanted in to show in my music video. The right choice of lens and the lighting were absolutely essential to the success of this production.  Lens 75-300mm telephoto lens was used in the opening sequence and we required this lens to allow the actor to walk from some way off towards the camera and to also provide the shallow depth of field necessary to focus the audiences attention entirely on the actor making him look more isolated from the fast moving commuter traffic. Because we shot this footage from such as long distance we required the tripod to prevent any camera shake.

Tripod:I had a lot of shots where she was just walking towards me or walking away and I need a tripod to keep a steady shot over a long period of time.

We need to take care of all the equipment and stuff to avoid been stolen.Also,there are a lot of cars,when we walk on the street and take the video.We need make sure there was no incoming cars and to avoid traffic accident.

When we film especially taking the shot following the actor when carry a camera,we need to take a lot of care to avoid fall over, drop the camera and butt other people.

During the filming process,there is a big part taking at the road with a lot of plants.We need to take care of the branches to avoid scratch and slip by root.

When its peak time especially around school area,there are lots of student cycling on this road,when we filming,we need to take care of all the incoming people and bicycles to avoid danger.

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